Wires, Widgets, and Wealth Management – Making Sense of Your Tech Mess

My Eero wifi system tells a crazy story of the technology I have in my home.

When you first set it up, you have the essentials on it.

TV, Laptops, phones.

Quickly, you look at it, and it explodes with various devices.

When I spend time with the partners of wealth management firms, their business has much in common with this scenario.

Instead of getting more streamlined, we add more wires, widgets, and solutions, often creating more complexity vs. less.

Maybe you don’t have an Eero, but I bet you have a box inside your home or office that holds your indispensable cords, connectors, and related items.

Instead of cords, your firms collect all sorts of software for solutions.

Note the Resemblance.
Credit to Michael Kitces whose Monthly Map is an Indispensable part of the Industry.

This isn’t a big deal if you are the only advisor and the main person in your firm.

You want a new app? You get a new app.

You get a new app.

Most firms, though, are a lot more complex.

Less than Simple

When people ask what sorts of advisors I work with, I often describe them as “less than simple” advisory firms.

Less than simple in that you probably have a box of cords. But so do your colleagues.

You may have an IT department or head of operations that would like you only to use their box of cords. (Aka the Official Box of Cords.)

Managing all the cords, all the apps, and all the solutions takes up a lot of time. It often accumulates into costs that may or may not be ROI positive—subscriptions, seats, and contracts that may not align with your actual needs.

As you try to bring everything to one experience for you, your team, and your clients, you are often stuck trying to become your own form or an electrician.

“Can I connect these two, and will it work?”

Going back to the example of Eero. The beauty of it is that despite all the variability with your underlying technology, you have one place that connects you and helps you begin to align your solutions.

My Actual Eero App

As we embark on the future technology choices we need for our firms, the new set of cords we need to have in our arsenal is for AI-ready, data-on-demand technologies. Technology allows you to harvest information subjectively, create automation and transform your primary experience.

This need is a primary reason why we started Milemarker. There are promising technologies that make your business more scalable, but the firms continually working to improve and modernize their work generally feel dissatisfied with what they are getting out of their technology because it is inherently limited.

So where does this leave our box of cords?

I believe that firms need to take time and start inventorying their technology. I’m sure you have some list somewhere at your firm.

Is it available across your advisors, helping you collectively curate your sentiment and utilization?

If you want to go deeper on this topic, I put together this guide a while back that may be useful as you look at your technology inventory, prioritization and how you can start to align your technology.

In addition, we are booking our Fall schedule for engagements and would love to lock in a few more firms that really want to get clear on their path forward. If this connects with you, shoot me an email at jud@milemarker.co.